Willamette University is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of student records. University employees are required to go through annual FERPA training to ensure continued understanding of their responsibilities regarding student records.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student “educational records.”
“Educational records” are defined, with a few exceptions, as records containing information directly related to a student that are maintained by a school or its agent (including electronic records). In higher education, FERPA prohibits schools from disclosing educational records, or personally identifiable information in those records, other than certain basic directory information, without the student’s prior written consent. The student may even request that directory information be withheld. Some exceptions allowing disclosure of educational records do apply.
To learn more about your rights with respect to your education records at Willamette, please review our Education Record Policy. You may contact the University Registrar’s Office (registrar@willamette.edu) with any questions.