The QUAD Center will offer workshops to help students and faculty grow their skills in various computing and data skills. Some of the workshops recommend experience in R or Python, but others do not require any experience. All workshops are open to the WU Community! Snacks will be provided.
Monday, April 15
4:15–5:15 p.m., Ford 204
"Chomping through Data: A Shark-Themed Look into Data Science" by Brooke Proctor and Emery Kerani
No experience needed
Thursday, April 18
7:30–8:30 p.m., Ford 202
"Python's Data Workhorse: A numpy Crash Course" by Courtney St Onge and Pachie Ackerman
Some Python experience recommended
Monday, April 22
12–1 p.m., Ford 202
"Qualitative Quest: An Adventure in Coding Qualitative Data Thematically in an Interdisciplinary Field" by Tiffany Truong and Safia Goldsmith
No experience needed
Thursday, April 25
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Ford 102
"Creating an R Package and Hosting it on github" by Indi Esneault and Spencer Veatch
R experience preferred