Join us in celebrating 2025 MLK Jr. Week!

Contact: Kayla Davis

Spirit Days are represented by related themes for the entirety of the campus to participate in.

To reflect the longevity of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s teachings, MLK Day itself has been extended to four days of remembrance represented by related themes for the entirety of the campus to participate in. These Spirit Days are represented by related themes for the entirety of the campus to participate in. MLK’s power transcended racial lines at a time when segregation ran rampant. The center of his teachings was not just to empower Black Americans, but also underrepresented, underamplified, and lower-class communities overlooked by the government. We invite you to show up and show out each day and to follow along on Instagram (@willametteuniversity_bsu and @willametteintercultural) for relevant education and resources.

When participating in any of these days, please be mindful of cultural appropriation. There are many ways to participate in the following without appropriating Black culture or any culture by altering your physical appearance.

January 21st | Black Out Day: The first day of the week will be commenced by wearing all black (this does include Black Student Union or past MLK Day swag if you have it) to represent solidarity in the Black experience across diverse communities! If you’re interested in any vintage MLK Day swag, please connect with the Office of Intercultural Engagement & Inclusion .

January 22nd | Heritage Day: Representation of folks' unique ancestry and how it impacts one's perspective will be honored by folks wearing mementos or traditional garb (if you so choose) to facilitate conversations about the diverse regions of Blackness as well as other nationalities! We hope this ignites conversations about home and what each student, staff, or faculty member brings to the WU campus!

January 23rd | (Black) Icons Through the Eras: Folks across campus can reference Black artists in their clothing to represent the power of soul and lyrics bringing people together! Many pivotal Black artists used their platform to uplift King’s and other activists' voices through their music and symbolism.

January 24th | (Black) Superheroes: It is often hard to find in the media Black characters who are not the villain! This is a day to represent our favorite heroes and anti-heroes who inadvertently represent Black Power and make a name for yourself even when the world does not yet know your name. Embrace your power by dressing as a superhero that resonates with you!

We also invite you to our future MLK Roundtable Discussions throughout the month of February! Information on these can be found in past and future Today@WU announcements and on the BSU and OIEI Instagrams!

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