Welcome back students! As we settle into the new school year, the Office of Campus Safety would like to offer a few safety tips and reminders for the upcoming year.
- Lock your door and windows whenever you leave your room or vehicle, even if it's "just for a minute"
- Never prop open locked doors
- Do not leave backpacks, purses, laptops, briefcases, or valuables unattended
- Lock your vehicle with the windows up and avoid leaving items and valuables in plain sight
- Walk in groups or pairs when possible after dark
- Request a security escort from Campus Safety if feeling unsafe
- In offices, store purses or backpacks in a file cabinet or drawer and LOCK IT
- Record serial numbers and descriptions of your valuables
- Watch for individuals following or tailgating into buildings without using their own access card
If you ever see something suspicious on campus, please call Campus Safety Immediately at 503-370-6911