Need something to get you by, but don't want to wait in line at Goudy? Or classes didn't end until the cafe was closed? Come by and look at our sandwich and salad selection. You can use your flex dollars for anything in the store.
Blitz Market at Putnam University Center is now open
Contact: Tricia Matte
Announcements on August 29, 2022
- Fall Activities '22 Expo registration
- Fortune names WU on list of 'Best Master's in Data Science Programs'
- Gordy Toyama retirement celebration
- Masumi Timson: Guest musician performance on the koto
- Meditation Series update
- Music auditions and placements week
- Policies open for review and comment
- Reminder: Today@Willamette fall schedule
- Rick's Cafe is now open
- Theatre auditions: 'The Liar,' by David Ives
- Welcome back international students
Willamette University
Marketing and Communications
Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street