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Willamette recognized for organic land management

by Marketing & Communications,
Willamette campus

Willamette University is among a select number of institutions nationwide recognized for eliminating synthetic pesticides on their campuses.

A new report by Herbicide-Free Campus, a project at Earth Island Institute, highlights the ongoing effort and results of eight campuses — Harvard University; Cascadia College and University of Washington, Bothell; Seattle University; University of California, Berkeley; Reed College in Portland; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Texas, Austin and Willamette — that transitioned to organic land management. The practice fosters biodiversity, supports pollinators and provides other benefits. 

Willamette has used organic practices to manage 90% of the campus since 2007. Previously, the university used 59 different pesticides, and the transition made a difference — Willamette saves approximately $2,000 per year and has reduced water use for landscaping by about 25 to 30%. 

Ground Manager Jim Andersen initiated the change after a crew member suffered physical reactions every time a particular synthetic herbicide was used. Read the full report.  

Willamette University

University Communications

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