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Willamette MBA Ranked Best U.S. Business School by Bloomberg Businessweek

by Jennifer Bush,

The annual Bloomberg Businessweek Best B-Schools ranking is based on compensation and job-placement data for each school as well as on surveys of students, alumni and recruiters. Businessweek ranked schools in four separate categories — Compensation, Learning, Networking and Entrepreneurship.

Willamette MBA performed strongly in all categories, ranking 48th in Entrepreneurship, 67th in Learning, 85th in Compensation, and 89th in Networking with an overall U.S. ranking of 82 — the second highest-ranked school in the Pacific Northwest and first in Oregon.

According to Bloomberg Businessweek’s survey of students and alumni, on what’s best about the Willamette MBA program, students and alumni said the following:

“Taking incredibly difficult, highly demanding practical application courses which increased my abilities immensely, and electives that care more about your development and ability and knowledge improvement, rather than deliverables or difficulty.”

“This class helped us learn more about working with a real client and teamwork.”

“The entrepreneurship program and the industry leaders and professors who run that program.”

Willamette University

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