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Our Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing, BFA in Creative Writing, and MA in Critical Studies collaborate to present a number of events on campus and off as Patron Sponsors of this year’s Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) annual conference being held at the Oregon Convention Center from Thursday, March 28 to Saturday, March 30. All of these events are free and open to the public.

March 28, 6-9pm
Wave Books: Burning Deck Exhibition and Tribute to Rosmarie and Keith Waldrop
PNCA, Mediatheque Readings at 6:30 and 8pm

We’re honored to collaborate with Wave Books on the Wave Books: Burning Deck Exhibition and Tribute to Rosmarie and Keith Waldrop, a display of Burning Deck publications from the past 60 years, including rare letterpress editions and magazines. This is a singular opportunity to see so many works from the Burning Deck archive, all in one place.

In conjunction with the exhibition, there will be a casual reading celebration, with many collaborators, friends, and former students of the Waldrops reading from favorite Burning Deck or Waldrop books. Readers include Alejandro de Acosta, Rae Armantrout, Lee Ann Brown, Matthew Cooperman, Danielle Dutton, E. Tracy Grinnell, Aaron Kunin, Sawako Nakayusa, Jena Osman, Lisa Pearson, Sarah Riggs, Martin Riker, Cole Swensen, Lynn Xu, Magdalena Zurawski, and PNCA Professor Kristin P. Bradshaw.

March 28, 6:30-8:30pm
Tender Table: Food and Storytelling by Diana Khoi Nguyen, Ashley Toliver, and Amy Lam
PNCA, Room 601

Tender Table is a storytelling platform for women, trans men, and nonbinary folks who are black, indigenous, or people of color. Tender Table seeks out narratives about the sweet, savory, sour, and bitter relationships to food and its connections to identity, memory, and community. At Tender Table, all are welcome. Expect to be immersed in stories, and sample delicious food prepared by the speakers. Diana Khoi Nguyen is the author of Ghost Of (Omnidawn). Ashley Toliver is the author of Spectra (Coffee House Press). Amy Lam is the John and Renee Grisham fellow at the University of Mississippi.

Friday, March 29, 7-9pm
Stephanie Land and Kelly Sundberg Reading
Corporeal Writing, 510 SW 3rd, Suite 101

Monica Drake hosts an offsite AWP reading with bestselling authors Stephanie Land and Kelly Sundberg at Corporeal Center.

Kelly Sundberg’s essays have appeared in Guernica, Gulf Coast, The Rumpus, Denver Quarterly, Slice Magazine, and others. Her essay “It Will Look Like a Sunset” was selected for inclusion in Best American Essays 2015, and other essays have been listed as notables in the same series. She has a PhD in Creative Nonfiction from Ohio University, and she has been the recipient of fellowships or grants from Vermont Studio Center, A Room of Her Own Foundation, Dickinson House, and The National Endowment for the Arts.

Stephanie Land is the best-selling author of MAID: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, New York Review of Books, Washington Post, Guardian; Vox, Salon, and many other outlets. She focuses on social and economic justice as a freelancer, and as a writing fellow through Community Change and previously through the Economic Hardship Reporting Project. She lives in Missoula, Montana.

Friday, March 29, 6:30-8:30 pm
Barrow Street Reading
PNCA Design Corridor, 2nd Floor

Barrow Street presents an evening of poetry celebrating their 2018/2019 new book releases. Featured readers include Sally Ball, Tina Barr, Curtis Bauer, and Jacqueline Lyons. The reading followed by complementary wine and cheese reception and book signing. This event is hosted by Professor Shawna Lipton and Dr. Sarah Kruse.

Saturday, March 30, 6-7:30pm
Broadsides Launch Party and Print Demo with Ecotone + Lookout Books
PNCA, Print Studio

Featuring readings by Cortney Lamar Charleston and Molly Tenenbaum and letterpress printing with Professor Rory Sparks. Light refreshments will be served.

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