The venerable, member-run Blackfish Gallery celebrates 40 years and our own PNCA printmaking professor Palmarin Merges will be live screenprinting the Blackfish 40th Anniversary commemorative print at the gallery on the following dates:
April 3, 3-4:30
April 13, 1-2:30
April 23, 11-12:30
Merges is a creative force and is one of a number of PNCA faculty, faculty emeriti, and alumni who have helped make Blackfish the special place that it is. Christy Wyckoff, who shaped the printmaking department for many years, has work in the April Former Member show. And a number of PNCA alumni are Blackfish members including Barbara Black, Lynda Ater, Angela Passsalacqua, Stephan Soihl, and Judith Wyss.
This event is free and open to the public.