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OCAC: A loss for the entire community

by Marketing & Communications,

It is with a great sadness that we learn that OCAC's Board of Trustees voted on a resolution to close all degree programs at Oregon College of Art and Craft at the end of the Spring 2019 semester.

This is a loss for the entire art and craft community in the region, and we especially feel for our friends, colleagues, and fellow artists: the students, faculty, and staff of OCAC. We will support them as best we can during this time.

PNCA will work to provide support and resources for OCAC students as much as possible including instruction and space for OCAC students who elect to complete their degrees at PNCA. The MFA in Applied Craft + Design, which was previously jointly offered by both PNCA and OCAC will transition fully to PNCA.

We mourn the loss of this venerable 112-year-old institution.

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.