We would like to extend our greatest respect and hearty applause to all our 2018 graduating students – undergraduate and graduate alike.
This past Sunday, May 20, 2018, our commencement ceremonies were held at Portland's Tiffany Center. Intermedia student Egg (Emma Victoria) Dahl delivered the undergraduate address while Molly LeLoup Dougherty Alloy of the MFA in Visual Studies program delivered the graduate address. Renowned artist, alumnus, and Professor Emeritus Arvie Smith '84 joined us as guest commencement speaker. And as the students exited the hall, the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers, as they do every year, played the students out of the ceremony and into the world.
We'd also like to make special note that PNCA president, Don Tuski, presented Arvie Smith with an honorary doctorate following his commencement speech at this year's ceremony.
Please join us in celebrating and welcoming this new class of PNCA alumni!
Daniela Arias Sevilla, Illustration Hirofumi Baba, Photography Marguerite Mary Bailey, Painting Madeleine Barbier, Intermedia Sarah Bat, Creative Writing Taylor Ilese Bearden, Animated Arts Chantal Benitez, Illustration Isabella Jane Berlin, Illustration Sarah Anne Birch, Animated Arts Amy Bonin, General Fine Arts Sean Briggs, Illustration Shannon Jeanne Brokaw, Illustration Katherine Bruno, Painting Joshua Bryant, Painting Shayla Charnett, Illustration Madison Marie Clark Camcam, Painting Sarah J Coderre, General Fine Arts Mitchell Coleman, Communication Design Kendrick Vaughan Corp, Painting Ashley Brooks Cozzetto, Photography Egg (Emma Victoria) Dahl, Intermedia Unah M. R. Leonard-Denight, Illustration Melissa Dienes, Illustration Clara Wynne Dudley, Illustration Sydney Duhon, General Fine Arts John Elhardt, Illustration Kylie Fabre, Animated Arts Meadow Faulkner, Illustration Adrienne Lehuauakea Fernandez, Painting James Fink, Intermedia Casey Finn, IntermediaValeriya Gayevskaya, Intermedia Daniel Gestri, Communication Design
Arianna Lisette Gazca, Animated Arts Anke Gladnick, Illustration Benjamin Glas-Hochstettler, Video and Sound Victor Gomez, Illustration Tanya Gonzalez, General Fine Arts Pamela Guest, Animated Arts Michelle Guthrie, Sculpture Hilary Ann Hartner, Sculpture Christopher B. Heck, Photography Corey Ondrey Hernandez, Communication Design Sarah Hickey, Animated Arts Kiera Highsmith, Animated Arts Nikole Hoberg, Printmaking Kailyn Hooley, Photography Sawyer Hemingway Johnson, Communication Design Aidan Cai Jung Bosanko, Intermedia Mert Kocabagli, Communication Design Amanda Kravitz, Painting Megan Kuttler, Communication Design Lilian Leveque, Illustration Ivy Loughborough, Intermedia Alex J Lovelle, Illustration Arabella E Mayrer, Intermedia Laura Camila Medina Guerrero, Painting Carla Mielnik, Animated Arts Lenzy Perfecta Ramirez Mora, Communication Design Andrew Newell, SculptureAllison Taylor Ongaro, Communication Design Emma Lilly Parry, Animated Arts Theodore Patton, Animated Arts |
Zachary Irynn Pescador, Video and Sound Kathryn Prater, General Fine Arts Valentino Quijano, Painting Joseph Ravetti, Intermedia Molly Robison, Illustration Matthew A. Rodenbeck, Illustration Alexander Roebling, Communication Design Catherine Ross, Intermedia Hannah Rough, Animated Arts Angela Maree Saenz, Painting Austin Salazar, General Fine Arts Hannah Schill, Painting Stephanie Schock, Animated Arts Emily Schwartz, Illustration Emily Seymour, Intermedia Ran Sheng, Animated Arts Jesse Siegel, Printmaking Adam Simmons, Video and Sound Ellen Elizabeth Skiff, Communication Design Aaron Smith General, Fine Arts Tyler Jean Snazelle, General Fine Arts Anita Alice Spaeth, Intermedia Savana Stasiuk, Animated Arts Anna R. Stevenson, Photography Arianna Stramel, Animated Arts Erin Street, Painting Rachel Tosdevin, Photography Hilary Tsai, Video and Sound Daniel Verde, Communication Design Cai Lauré Veronda, Animated Arts Marin K Vesely, Video and Sound Kelly Ross Woodruff, Illustratio |
Applied Craft and Design Percy A. Appau Caroline Borucki Michelle Lee Briones Katharine Forgan Laura Kathleen James Taylor Kibby Sam Lillard Melinda McKinley Nathan Rice Gina Rios Michael Robert Ban Rutledge Collaborative Design Alicia B. DeMellier Katherine Anne Mitchell Print Media Travis Geoghegan Sherry Jankiewicz Rhiannon Skye Tafoya
Visual Studies Molly LeLoup Dougherty Alloy Thomas Boeger Giuliano Massimo Bruno Allynn Carpenter Hannah Concannon Nesho Dimov Joseph Freel rubén garcía marrufo Jamie Knowlton Cassandra Catherina Laurion Eric Long Haley Lusby Ian Nickols Lynsee Nicole Sardel Elena Thomas Chanel Vivian |
Additional thanks to all those who spoke during commencement, introduced our graduating classes, and helped to present diplomas. Special thanks go out to:
Introduction, Diploma Presentation, Commencement
Speaker Introduction and Closing Remarks
Don Tuski
Welcoming Remarks
Dave Holt
Board Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee
Undergraduate Speaker Introduction, Undergraduate Awards Presentation
Mack McFarland
Director of Center for Contemporary Art & Culture
Graduate Speaker Introduction, Graduate Awards Presentation
Peter Simensky
Chair MFA in Visual Studies