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Sheida and Iris in front of a large exhibition

Brenda Mallory '04 has stayed busy with several exhibitions and has an artist talk at c3:initiative on March 31. See more on Brenda Mallory's website.

Mohammed Nabil MA '13 is a co-coordinator of Students for Justice in Palestine at Evergreen State College. He is also a member of the Portland State University Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, a campus organization that has hosted a slew of anti-Israel events at PSU since 2015. Nabil volunteers with the Rachel Corrie Foundation, which was created to promote BDS and honor the memory of Rachel Corrie, a former International Solidarity Movement volunteer. Read more about Mohammed Nabil here.

Congratulations to Arvie Smith '86 for being selected as a speaker for this year's PNCA commencement! See more on Arvie Smith's website.

Read about Lisa Kindley's landscape paintings in tandem at Jessel Gallery. See more on Lisa Kindley's website.

Bomb magazine interviewed Carly Mandel '15 about illness, disability, and glass vessels.

The Native Arts Cultures Foundation awarded Anthony Hudson '13 the National Artist Fellowship of $20,000. Hudson was one of 20 artists awarded. Also, please join us on Thursday, March 22nd, from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM for his talk in the Office of Career Design. See more on Anthony Hudson '13 website.

Jane Schiffhauer MFA '10 joined the Board of Directors at Boom Arts and also at Oregon College of Art and Craft. In addition, Banff Center awarded her a Visual + Digital Arts Residency. Congrats! See more on Jane Schiffhauer's website.

PLAYA Summerlake selected Tamara English '04 as an Artist in Residence this Spring and The Ford Family Foundation Oregon awarded her the Visual Artist Mid-career Residency Award. See more on Tamara English's website.

Daniel J Glendening MFA '11 has a sci-fi project with Small Editions, which is also still available here, and he'll have a few copies available at Spaceness as well. See more on Daniel J Glendening's website.

TriMet selected Sarah Farahat '08 to create a mural at the Hollywood Transit Center in memory of the victims and survivors of the knife attack on a Max train last summer, find an article in The Oregonian. See more on Sarah Farahat's website.

John Knight MFA '13 & Iris Williamson MA '14 represented artist Sheida Soleimani at the Material Art Fair in Mexico City. John and Iris run Williamson|Knight, a gallery in Downtown Portland that has gained lots of attention and success since its opening.

Communications Arts magazine published an article on the thriving career of Molly Medoza '14. She quotes: "I can't bring myself to do anything that promotes people who hurt the environment or threaten my rights or the rights of others." See more on Molly Medoza's website.

Stephanie Snyder wrote an article on ARTFORUM on Elizabeth Malaska MFA '11 recent paintings such as, Wake to Weep. See more on Elizabeth Malaska's website.

Willamette University

University Communications

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