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Jenna Reineking MFA ‘17 fundraises for her mobile art classroom, Tumblewheel Studios.

Daniel J Glendening MFA '11 was part of the barometric pressure is all over the place, a two-person exhibition at Anytime Dept along with Laura Bernstein in Cincinnati, OH in September and October in 2017. This show was written about in Artnet and Humor and Abject. He also released book The Gardener, The Visionary, and The Traveller, a sci-fi novel as artist's book, published by Small Editions, Brooklyn, NY in an edition of 100. Also reviewed by Sean Joseph Patrick Carney on Humor and Abject's blog and podcast. View Daniel J Glendening's website.

Glynnis Fawkes '95 had three comics published in the New Yorker (My Body and My Daughter: An In-Depth Analysis, American Kids Abroad, and Reading Response) and two more are scheduled for the new year. A cartoon will be published in the Magazine in February. She has a show up now at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington DC. This year she also published Greek Diary, which won a silver medal at the Society of Illustrators/ MoCCA Comic Arts Festival in New York. Her work was exhibited in the Awards Exhibition at the Society of Illustrators and she published Reign of Crumbs. She served on the jury for the Ignatz Awards, given at the Small Press Expo in Washington, DC in September. Last year her work was nominated for an award for She has a story in the recently published Graphic Canon of Crime and Mystery. Lastly, she has had comics in both issues of Resist! edited by Francoise Moully and Nadja Speigleman. View Glynnis Fawkes' website.

Megan Taylor '10 became part of the new AV Team for CBRE in conjunction with Nike at the World Headquarters Tiger Woods Center in September 2017. View Megan Taylor's shop.

Jenna Reineking MFA '17 is excited to announce the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for her project, Tumblewheel Studios, a self-contained, mobile art classroom, fashioned from a mid-sized, modified school bus. This project focuses on bringing affordable arts education to underfunded schools and underserved communities. Click here for Jenna's website.

Elizabeth Malaska MFA '11 had painting Still Life on War Rug acquired by Portland Art Museum. She was a recipient of Oregon Art Commission Career Opportunity Grant (with additional funding from Ford Family Foundation & Oregon Community Foundation) as well as RACC Project Grant - both to fund upcoming solo show at Russo Lee. View Elizabeth Malaska's website.

Hunter Buck MFA '17 exhibited Hverfing (Shapeshifting) at Verksmidjan, Hjalteyri in Iceland after graduation.

Genevieve DeVaney Da Prato '73 is collaborating as editor and illustrator with her daughter Mary Da Prato on a series of informative books about the Montessori Method of education for parents and children. Recently, The Hong Kong Public Library review committee selected four of their titles. More than twenty-five public and college libraries worldwide now have copies of their books in their collections. Thomas the Squirrel, a reality based children's story illustrated with a variety of printmaking techniques is now available for checkout in the PNCA Library.

Mark Martínez '12 is the new Gallery Manager at Trinity University, a new position created by the department of Art & Art History. Click here for Mark's website.

Julian Voss Andreae '04 had a show in San Francisco with painter Mitch Jones at Andrea Schwartz Gallery. This past December he was part of Art Miami and Art Miami CONTEXT. He installed a 10' tall bronze piece titled Samantha in the Meadows at an amazing newly built property in Jackson, Wyoming. Her sister/alter ego Samantha in Pink is inside the house. In August, he installed a 6' tall bronze for the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Lastly, back in June he installed The Reader at Portland Community College. View Julian Voss Andreae's website.

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