The "Is it Spring Yet?" Edition of our periodic round-up of the good works that students, faculty, and alumni are doing out in the world.
Linden Howe and Turner Masland compiled a First 100 Days reading list, "offering historical and theoretical contexts for US labor relations, environmentalism, civil rights, women's rights, and queer liberation movements," as noted in this Broadly piece.
Demian DinéYazhi' is included in Iconoclastic, a group exhibition currently on view at the Cooley Gallery at Reed College. This Friday, February 24 is the grand opening of artist Demian DinéYazhi's Radical Indigenous Queer Feminism Pop-up shop at the Cooley Gallery following a 6:00pm artist talk by Ryan Woodring (in Psychology 105 at Reed College). Then Demian will also be one of the three poets reading on Saturday, March 4, 4:00pm, at the Cooley as part of Reed Arts Week 2017.
Friday February 24, 2017, 7pm Weird Shift Microtalks will be at Compliance Division 625 NW Everett St #101. It's an evening of short-form presentations that might include inspiring rants, marginalia studies and image-laden screeds.
Sarah Simmons has launched a new exhibition space in SE Portland called Bayspace.
Heidi Shwegler's Extinction Anxiety at Upfor Gallery opens with a preview reception February 22, 5-7pm and runs through April 1, 2017. She'll give an artist's talk/Q&A March 18, 4pm.
Damien Dawahare and Daniel Gestri as Team Orion won judge's choice for the visual design category at the Adobe Creative Jam Portland. They were assigned the prompt 'Human' and given 3 hours to concept and execute an image.
PNCA participants in the Jam included: Damien Dawahare, Samantha Fowler, Daniel Gestri, Joaquin Golez, Alex Gregory, Forrest Grenfell, Kami Karras, and Amy Meyer.
Two Animated Arts students, Cai Verona and Sarah Birch, were recently selected by the Department of Agriculture for a paid opportunity to produce animation regarding the life cycle of the invasive Japanese Beetle.
Matthew Bowers had work in the exhibition Fresh Prints! at Printmaking Center of New Jersey, A Pop Up Exhibit showcasing silkscreens of artists from Kayrock Galleries, Brooklyn, NY.
Alum Jonah Groeneboer ('05 Intermedia) has two works, "Double Mouth Feedback" and "Articulation Without Language," included in Occupancies at the Boston University Art Galleries. The exhibition runs through March 26.
Kristin Rogers Brown invited XPLANE's Ryan Brown and Lauren Gantner to her class for senior illustrators, and they did a visual thinking skills exercise using frameworks and conceptual mapping. Here's a blog post all about the experience.
Laura Hughes opens a solo exhibition, Almost Perfect, at Linfield College Gallery. Almost Perfect, a mixed-media installation, is on view through March 11 in the James F. Miller Fine Arts Center at Linfield.