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Bravo Alumni - October 2017

by Marketing & Communications,
Let Dreams Soar by Adam Brock Ciresi


Adam Brock Ciresi MFA ‘17  was commissioned to paint Let Dreams Soar (image above), a 40' x 30' mural in St. John's, which gained a lot of attention after a complaint for its removal. The mural was petitioned to stay by 6,000-7,000 signatures. The city recognizes murals on residential single family homes as illegal, and now, with the momentum Let Dreams Soar has garnered, Adam has gained the support of state officials to challenge and change this law that prohibits residential home murals in conjunction with other local artists, organizations, and advocates. He is also soon completing Immutable Clarion, a solo album funded under the 2017 RACC grant, a sophomoric release under the name Said Goner along with a chapbook under the same title.

Celina Coppetti MFA ‘17 started a creative studio called Crosshare Design Co.

Angélica Maria Millán Lozano MFA ‘17 recently finished illustrating a children’s book written by Shawn Milton called The Sloth Brothers, The Big Sloth Race, which is now available on amazon.

Aruni Dharmakirthi MFA ‘17 spent the month of October at Centrum Emerging Artist Residency in the beautiful seaside of Fort Worden State Park in Washington. They will be exhibiting work at South Asian Evocation and Becomings group show curated by SouthAsia.Art at Chinatown Soup in New York and also at Art in Odd Places in Orlando, Florida.



Maddie Maschger ‘16 recently joined the creative team at Hanna Andersson as a digital copywriter. She creates email campaigns, digital assets, and persuasive messaging using our distinct brand voice.

Rachel Rosenkoetter MFA ‘16 recently signed a contract to license designs to clothing company iEDM.

Tessa Heck MFA ‘16 moved to Montana and accepted a position as Assistant Director at Montana Modern Fine Art, a gallery specializing in showing contemporary Native artists in the Flathead Valley. Also currently showing abstract paintings at Jupiter Gallery in the Jupiter Hotel through November.



Carly Mandel ‘15 received VSA Emerging Artists Grant from the Jean Kennedy Smith Arts and Disability Program in Washington, DC.

Lou Watson ‘15 was interviewed on Women Cinemakers Anthology Vol.9 and received the Curators Award (Catharina Manchanda), Bellingham National 2017 Juried Exhibition.



Noah Dye ‘13 is a successful freelance photographer in NYC and LA.



Mark Martinez ‘12 is a conceptual artist whose works investigate racialized identity via an “off-white” lens. His practice consists of installation, painting, text and video based works. Most recently, Martinez served as Visual Arts Director to the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center (2015-2017), facilitating over twenty exhibitions. He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas where he maintains his artistic and curatorial pursuits. Currently hosting a Call for Art.



Michael O'Malley ‘11 recently started working as the Arts Director at the Boys Club of New York. Established in 1876, the Boys Club has a rich history of providing a wide range of programming including performing and visual arts, as well as a robust music program. The Clubhouse has served boys and young men in the East Village for over 100 years. As Director, O'Malley will be creating dynamic artist residencies for 7-21 year olds, and coordinating city-wide art projects that highlight the amazing talents and creativity of their members. He is also making work with Whoop Dee Doo, a nonprofit that creates large scale installations and performances across the country.

Leah Kiczula ‘11 curated collection of found, destroyed, and otherwise unwanted dolls at the SCRAP PDX Picture Window Gallery.

Daniel J Glendening ‘11 released The Gardener, the Visionary, and the Traveller, an artist's book as science-fiction novel, published by Small Editions in Brooklyn, NY. Published in an edition of 100, released September, 2017. You can purchase the novel here.



Aaron Busch ‘10 Specializes in custom furniture in multiple disciplines including wood, metal, plastic, glass and felt. Mainly focusing on conference tables and office furniture systems.

Terry Blas ‘10 wrote graphic novel that is coming out in April, from Oni Press, which is a murder mystery set at a fat camp, called Dead Weight. It is co-written with Molly Muldoon and PNCA alum Matthew Seely. The graphic novel was announced in the Hollywood Reporter. He also has a documentary coming out in the spring called Latter Day Glory and it sheds light on the rising rate in suicide amongst LGBT teens in Salt Lake City Utah.



Jade Sheldon ‘09 recently spoke at the #CreateGood Conference at the Brit&Co space in Soho NYC on how social media has influenced her creative practice. She was also featured in a promo for Sorel Footwear, celebrating online content makers who #LiveToDefy. She contributed an illustrated piece that was included in the friendship quilt hung in Portland city hall, celebrating the first the Decemberists day, commissioned by NBC Universal and Capital Records. She is an Adobe Stock selected contributing artist as well as a brand ambassador with Book of the Month Club. She’s been published and interviewed in multiple magazines, online journals, and have had my work added to multiple published collected works. Lastly, she co-runs Endlessly Enraptured with her husband, a blog that will be re launched this winter. View their Instagram.



Sarah Meadows ‘08 is an artist resident  at The Wassiac Project for the month of October. She will also be part of the Filter Photo Festival group show Deception.



Alyson Provax ‘07 has published in Poetry NW, Fall 2017 issue.



Tyler Jackson ‘05  runs Memory Machine, a small animation company that had a VR gallery show titled "Before the War" at Lump Gallery in Raleigh, NC. The show opened in August and ran through mid September. It was the first gallery-based VR experience in North Carolina. The Raleigh/Chapel Hill arts/events paper "Indy Week" wrote an article about the show.

Heather McLaughlin ‘05 is teaching two drawing classes at the Sou'Wester vintage travel trailer resort and Lodge in Long Beach WA November 25th and December 17th. Heather is also about to record her third album with her band ROTTIES which includes Ellis Burnheart, PNCA graduate of the painting department. ROTTIES has a song on a new comp cassette at Green Noise records benefiting the Portland Anarchist Black Cross.



J Pascoe ‘04 has recent exhibited at: 4th Simposio Internacional de la Tipografia al Libro-Arte at Centro Clavijero in Mexico, the Technical Museum of East Iceland in Iceland, the Temple University in Philadelphia, The Sketchbook Project in New York. Pascoe has also been the Zine Project Curator at Little Berlin in Philadelphia, was part of the Printing Matter Thematic Residency at Skaftfell Center for Visual Art in Iceland, the Visiting Artist at George Mason University in Virginia and the Artist In Residence at Rowan University in New Jersey.

Fawn Williams ‘04 is an Internationally Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT). An emerging field combining neuroscience. She offers Yoga Therapy alongside clinicians to complement treatment plans at an intensive outpatient recovery program, and to adults with intellectual disabilities as part of an inclusive arts program. She is also a trainer and Continuing Education provider for yoga teachers and leads domestic wellness retreats. In her private Yoga Therapy practice she offers process-based healing through the body.



Adam Cook ‘03 has been an Art Director and 2D artist at SuperGenius Studio for the last six years.  SuperGenius is an industry leading contract art house, focused on video games and virtual reality.  Located in Oregon City, Oregon, the studio houses teams specializing in 2D, Characters, 3D Environments, Animation, VFX and Development. For the past few months Cook and his co-workers have been designing a mobile game called Heroes Fally. They’re publishing the game to the App Store, for iOS, this October 26th (Android to follow in November).  



Steve Michaelson ‘90 currently runs his own design studio specializing in sports apparel design and animation.



Arvie Smith ‘86 was the 2017 Governor’s Awards for the Arts Recipient. He showcased Construction Identity exhibition at the Portland Art Museum, completed design for 15'x25' mural in Alberta Commons. He was commissioned for a 11’x40’ mural one construction of Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare on MLK. He was also published on Portland Monthly for September 2017 and was nominated for 2017 Joan Mitchell Painters and Sculptures Grant and US Artist Fellowship.



Barb Gipple ‘85 recently had five paintings purchased by OHSU from her new landscape series. The paintings will be part of the art collection for the new Center for Health and Healing Building 2, Rood Pavilion, currently under construction at the OHSU campus.



Carol Colin ‘74 is a ceramicist who has exhibited at Avenue 50 Studio in Los Angeles. Colin won first place in the painting and mixed media Annual City Exhibition in Newport Beach California, she won second place in Small Works group show at White River Valley Museum in Auburn Washington, and had Aquaria, for Healing Space, a public art installation at the Coastal Communities Cancer Center, in partnership with the City of Ventura, California.



Jereme Westom MFA runs Cloud City Biannual, a collection and publication of art from artists and artisans who are currently living and working in the Pacific Northwest. The collective is now ready to head to print but needs support. Please head over to their Kickstarter page to learn more about the project and help make it a reality.

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