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Announcing 2017 Summer/Fall Leland Iron Works Artists in Residence

by Marketing & Communications,

We are honored to announce the Leland Iron Works 2017 Summer/Fall Residents. The The Ford Family Foundation in collaboration with PNCA provides a grant which supports this residency program at the home and studio of Lee Kelly in Oregon City. This grant gives the gift of free studio space to both emerging and established artists. These Ford Family "Golden Spot" Residents are also awarded stipends and must meet certain requirements in order to be eligible to apply.

The Ford Family Foundation Golden Spot Residents

July: Tammy Jo Wilson BFA '03

August: Heather Goodwind

The Emerging Artists Residents

September: Jennifer Viviano MFA ACD '17

October: Clairissa Stephens

July-September Low Residency: Aaron Smith and Colin Cathey BFA '18

Many thanks to the jurors who selected these artists for this session; Killeen Hansen, Kassandra Kelly and past "Golden Spot" resident Kristy Kun. This round the jury saw fit to award a special three-month, low-residency to two BFA students who applied as a collaborative team. This long term low-residency will provide opportunity for the students to develop a deeper relationship to the property while formulating their thesis projects.

Again, congratulations to all the artists and we look forward to experiencing how they respond to their time in Oregon City.

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.