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John Knight MFA ‘13 at Muscle Beach

by Marketing & Communications,

John Knight's solo exhibition No Half Measures, opens this Friday, September 30 at Muscle Beach with a reception from 6-9pm.

Knight, who received his MFA in Visual Studies from PNCA. Knight has co-founded two artist-run project spaces including, H. Klum Fine Art with fellow alum Lydia Rosenberg, and Cherry and Lucic, which he now runs with Eleanor Ford and alum Kyle Raquipiso. Each of these project spaces has taken critiquing the institutions of art as one of its primary directives. Recently, Cherry and Lucic was curated into the Portland Biennial. Their proposal had been to restage of a show of work by Merlin Carpenter using found objects, which they did, but Knight, Ford, and Raquipiso also wrote a "catalogue" for the show which was more of a polemic taking aim at both institution and biennial.

For No Half Measures Muscle Beach shares this text:

Arrangement with red, yellow and black:

purchased wood

appropriated steel

vandalized plastic

Knight recently made a two-person exhibition with alum Rebecca Peel at Littman Gallery for which the duo produced this website. Knight has published texts including The Ridiculized Pigs, "Notes for an Arts Manufacture" in Pillowtops and Beyond by alum Carly Mandel, published by HQ Objective; "Abstract and Not So Abstract Arrangements," for Becoming What Was at Duplex Gallery.

Knight has recently shown in Chicago, IL at: EXO Project Space and Terraformer and Pear Gallery, CS 13 and Third Party Gallery in Cincinnati, OH. Upcoming projects include solo exhibitions at Conduit and Plane/Air Collective in Portland.

No Half Measures runs through October 31, 2016

Willamette University

University Communications

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