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Lesperance receives Art Matters Foundation grant

by Marketing & Communications,

Ellen Lesperance, faculty member, has received a grant from the Art Matters Foundation. This grant will be funding Lesperance's research at the Greenham Commons Women's Peace Camp archives in London. Lesperance explains her work and what she will be doing with the grant funding on the Art Matters Foundation website: "I create paintings and textiles based off of archival images of female activists. This grant will support research and new work about the anti-nuke protest site, Greenham Commons, whose partial archive exists at the Women's Library at the British Library of Political and Economic Science in London." Lesperance has exhibited in venues across the nation including The Seattle Art Museum and The Brooklyn Museum along with her work appearing in multiple publications such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and Art Monthly.

Willamette University

University Communications

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