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2013 Commencement Awards

by Marketing & Communications,

BFA Thesis Awards
William H. Givler Thesis Award-Fine Arts: Adam Johnson
William H. Givler Thesis Award-Design Arts: Erica Larson
Thesis Writing Award: Lia Griesser
Abraham and Anna C. Helman Award for best in show: William Matheson

BFA Departmental Awards
Animated Arts Departmental Award: Amanda Hall, Kelly Raine
Illustration Department Award: Seanavin Egdamin
Intermedia Department Award: Anthony Hudson
Liberal Arts Department Award: Anthony Hudson, Mika Nakazawa
C.S. Price Painting Award: William Matheson
The Photography Departmental Award: Adam Johnson
Printmaking Departmental Award: Molly Kaplan
Ed & Sandy Martin Merit Sculpture Award: Rachel Reid
General Fine Arts Major Award: Rebecca Peel

MFA in Visual Studies
Department Award: Timothy Janchar
Department Award: Terri Bradley
Chair's Award: Daniel Long
Thesis Exhibition Award: Christina Bailey
Thesis Writing Award: Linden How
Student Speaker: Linden How

MFA in Applied Craft and Design
Program Award: Kyla Mucci
Practicum Award: Kyla Mucci
MFA in Applied Craft & Design Fellowship: Dan Jamieson

MFA in Collaborative Design
Department Award: Chelsea Stephen
Student Speaker: Emma Conley

MA in Critical Theory and Creative Research
Program Award: Brooke Wendt
Thesis Award: Lauren Heagarty
Master Questioner: Val Hardy
Student Speaker: Carmen Denison

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.