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by Marketing & Communications,

Portland Institute for Contemporary Art's (PICA) Time-Based Art Festival opens tonight at Washington High School (SE Stark & SE 13th Ave) with PNCA students, alumni, and faculty on stage, in the galleries, and behind the scenes.

Morgan Ritter '11 is one of just two Portland artists curated into the visual art exhibition, End Things, at TBA this year. Her Understanding Witches Now, is two bodies of work installed at PICA's headquarters and at Washington High School.

Taka Yamamoto '13, performs in Turbulence.

Austin Adkins '12, performs with Big Art Group.

Carlos Gonzalez '10, performs in Ten Tiny Dances.

Sarah Johnson '10 is featured as part of some video screenings

Laura Heit, Faculty Teaching in Animation, performing as part of Miniature Dramas as part of The Works.

Linda K Johnson, a faculty member performing in Ten Tiny Dances.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, find Kent Richardson '08, Head Preparator; Daniel Glendening '11, Assistant Preparator; and Joseph Webb '12, Video Production.

Willamette University

University Communications

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Willamette University
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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.