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Horatio Law on KBOO

by Marketing & Communications,

This week's Stage and Studio on KBOO featured an interview with PNCA Assistant Professor Horatio Law who spoke about his Open Circles project. Law is working with communities at Sisters of the Road and Planned Parenthood to create a public installation that will get people thinking and talking about social currency and self-empowerment.

Horatio Hung-Yan Law is a public art and installation artist who is interested in creating collaborative installations with diverse communities, and in exploring how art activates the complex and dynamic relationship between individual and community. As artist-in-resident, he has created installations with Multnomah County Health Department, South Waterfront Development, and families with children adopted from China. He's now working on public art projects with the Oregon State Hospital, Seattle Public Utility % for Art in South Park, and Tri-Met's Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Line.

Open Circles collaborative, community art project, opens Saturday, November 17th at the Place Black Gallery. The opening reception will be held 5:00 to 9:00 pm, and will feature artists who participated in the Open Circles project. There will be a second reception December 15th from 5-9 pm.

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.