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“Father of Social Entrepreneurship” Comes to PNCA

by Marketing & Communications,

Ecotrust blogs about the visit to PNCA during Global Entrepreneurship Week of Professor Gregory Dees. As the blog notes, "In 2007, the Aspen Institute and Ashoka recognized his pioneering work with their first Lifetime Achievement award in Social Entrepreneurship Education. An earlier Aspen report described him as 'the father of social entrepreneurship as an academic field.'" On November 9 at 7 pm in PNCA's Swigert Commons, Dees will lecture on "The Open Solutions Society: Taking Social Entrepreneurship Seriously."

The widely published Dees has written more than 60 cases, articles, chapters, and concept notes related to this topic and has edited two books with Jed Emerson and Peter Economy: Enterprising Nonprofits (Wiley, 2001) and Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs (Wiley, 2002). Dees has played a leading role in developing the academic field of social entrepreneurship, helping to found social innovation programs at Duke, Harvard, and Stanford. His work bridges the gap between business and the social sector, and between theory and practice, making knowledge useful for social entrepreneurs as well as for the funders, consultants, and educators who work in the field.

This lecture is part of the MFA in Collaborative Design Visiting Artist Lecture Series.

Willamette University

University Communications

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