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Podcast: Mary Weatherford MFA Lecture

by Marketing & Communications,

Los Angeles painter Mary Weatherford presented an MFA Visual Studies lecture at the Museum of Contemporary Craft on February 25, 2010. She is a painter with a long career of exhibitions at spaces dedicated to artistic and cultural experimentation. Solo exhibitions include P.S. 1 Museum, New York, Orange County Museum of Art, Marc Jancou Gallery, Zurich, Debs & Co., New York, and Sister, Los Angeles.

In his introduction, MFA in Visual Studies chair Arnold Kemp states, "Mary's paintings are challenging, they are informed by history, philosophy, literature and music, and activities of the heart and mind. But they also embody a rugged, rigorous clinging to contemporary concerns for increasingly rare places of contemplation. In this way, they lodge themselves into a discourse of dirty abstraction."

Mary Weatherford, Graduate Lecture Series
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University Communications

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