Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) and announce their intentions to develop an ongoing relationship to foster opportunities and offer support for the local Do-It-Yourself|craft community.
This new relationship - the first ongoing commitment for Etsy with a school of art and design - seems appropriate in Portland, Oregon, nationally recognized as the hub of American DIY youth culture enriched by PNCA's vibrant student body and alumni community.
Etsy and PNCA will also work directly with a group of local artists - the Portland Etsy Team - to host bi-monthly meetings at the College's Museum of Contemporary Craft.
Please join us for the Friday, February 26th event.
I Heart Art: Portland - Friday, February 26th @ 6:30 pm
Hosted by, Portland Etsy Team, Pacific Northwest College of Art & Museum of Contemporary Craft
Connecting Portland's Vibrant Community of Makers
Swigert Commons
Pacific Northwest College of Art
1241 Northwest Johnson Street
Free and open to the public
"Read the full press release for more details.":
"See coverage and response to the announcement on the Etsy Storque blog.":