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MFA in Visual Studies Program Presents Artist Daniel Joseph Martinez

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA's MFA in Visual Studies program presents artist Daniel Joseph Martinez, delivering a free public lecture on March 11, part of the College's Graduate Visiting Artist Lecture Series.

Fifteen years after his indelible first appearance in the Whitney Biennial in 1993, Los Angeles-based artist Daniel Joseph Martinez continues to create work that unapologetically probes uncomfortable issues of personal and collective identity, seeking out threadbare spots in the fabric of conventional wisdom.

A strategic provocateur with a keen intelligence and a wicked sense of humor, Martinez deploys the full range of available media in his practice, having used at various times (and in various combinations) text, image, sculpture, video, and performance to construct his uniquely tough-minded brand of aesthetic inquiry.

MFA in Visual Studies Lecture | Daniel Joseph Martinez
Thursday, March 11, 6:30 pm
The Lab at Museum of Contemporary Craft, 724 NW Davis St.
Free and open to the public

Willamette University

University Communications

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