The MFA in Visual Studies program welcomes Los Angeles-based Artist Mary Weatherford in a free public lecture, 6:30 pm Thursday, February 25 in The Lab at Museum of Contemporary Craft, 724 NW Davis St.
Mary Weatherford is a painter with a long career of exhibitions at spaces dedicated to artistic and cultural experimentation. Among her many exhibitions are solo exhibitions at P.S. 1 Museum, New York; Orange County Museum of Art, California; Marc Jancou Gallery, Zurich; Debs & Co., New York; and Sister, Los Angeles, among others.
Since the 1990s, her paintings have borne the influence of Ojai mysticism, California seaside craft and souvenir art, landscape painting of the American Symbolist movement and New York School Abstraction.
Of her work, painter "Stephen Westfall": has written: "Like a true Symbolist her gaze wanders out across an ocean horizon, confronts a looming rock or cave, or plunges deep into a thicket of vines and weeds. Light and shadow confound and dazzle, sometimes sending off overlapping shards reminiscent of Feininger. Other historical stylistic models include Burchfield, Munch, and Friedrich. The Pop element comes from a "knowingness" with regards to style and how it can be essentialized into a compact shorthand that reflects the constructed nature of the paint surface as much or even more than the represented source, which is often itself a mediated source. Her paint surfaces are often astonishingly beautiful. Painted in Flashe vinyl paint over a heavy ground sanded smooth, they are both fluid and matte, with the chromatic richness of oil and the delicate, mineral grain of gouache."
The lecture is part of PNCA's "Graduate Visiting Artist Lecture Series":
View work by Mary Weatherford at "Kathryn Brennan Gallery":
MFA in Visual Studies Lecture | Mary Weatherford
Thursday, February 25, 6:30 pm
The Lab at Museum of Contemporary Craft, 724 NW Davis St.
Free and open to the public
Image courtesy of the artist.