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4th Annual Alumni Weekend

by Marketing & Communications,

The 2010 Alumni Weekend marks the College’s fourth annual alumni celebration and features events on October 8–9. This year’s festivities include an Alumni Dinner, the annual Homecoming lecture by alumnus and Faculty Emeritus George Johanson ‘50, which is free and open to the public, and a tour of Ai Weiwei: Dropping The Urn.

George Johanson: Seven Decades of Painting, a retrospective exhibition, will also be on view in the Swigert Commons during Alumni Weekend, and runs through November 20. View the new PNCA Alumni Gallery on Flickr and learn more on the PNCA Alumni website.

PNCA’s 4th annual kicks off this Friday with a Homecoming lecture featuring distinguished alumnus and faculty emeritus George Johanson ‘50.

Willamette University

University Communications

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