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2009–A Year of Distinction

by Marketing & Communications,

As we move into 2010, PNCA continues to contribute to the civic and cultural landscape of the Pacific Northwest as the epicenter of Portland's creative community - and as a place of distinction among the best schools of art and design in the nation.

The past year was significant. Not only did 2009 mark the College's centennial, 100 Years of Art + Design, but it also set a precedent for growth and change at the College.

In 2009:

"_Portland Architecture_": blog by Brian Libby named the rehabilitation of PNCA's Main Campus Building by Holst Architecture "one of the top rehab projects of the 1990s."

PORT Editor Jeff Jahn discusses the top PORT stories of 2009, including a piece on PNCA faculty member Stephen Slappe, an interview with Okwui Enwezor (keynote speaker of the FATE Conference, cosponsored by PNCA in April 2009) and faculty member and former MFA in Visual Studies Chair MK Guth's interview with Laura Fritz.
"Read the full article":

The Oregonian published a profile on PNCA President Tom Manley.
"Read more":

PNCA launched "_Untitled_":, an online magazine that illuminates what it means to live a life of sustained creative practice by publishing written and multimedia interviews, artwork, and articles on art and design thinking.

PNCA celebrated its Centennial with a range of public programs, and exhibitions of PNCA artists' work at over 15 Portland galleries in the fall.
"Read more":

PNCA and the Portland art community celebrated the lives of influential artists who passed including "Douglas Lynch": and "Manuel Izquierdo '51":

The Portland Art Museum celebrated the College's centennial with the exhibition PNCA at 100.
Read the "_Oregonian_": review.

Willamette University

University Communications

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