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Screening: Northwest Film Center Features the Work of Paul Vester

by Marketing & Communications,

Join PNCA's Boundary Crossings program and the Northwest Film Center for a special screening, An Evening with Paul Vester, Wednesday, July 15.

A pioneer in the field of animation, Paul Vester centers his work on the language of animation. Co-director of the Experimental Animation program at California Institute of the Arts, Vester was the recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2003. The screening features his films "Sunbeam" (1980), "Picnic" (1987), "Abductees" (1995), "In the Woods" (2008), as well as some of his commercial work.

Screening: An Evening with Paul Vester
Wednesday, July 15, 7:00pm
Northwest Film Center, Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, 1219 SW Park Ave.
$8 General; $7 PAM Members, Students, Seniors; $5 Friends of the Film Center
Free Boundary Crossings participants
Co-presented by Northwest Film Center
"Order tickets here":https://nwfc.spotlightboxoffic...

Willamette University

University Communications

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