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President Manley Discusses the Creative Grid

by Marketing & Communications,

President Tom Manley recently discussed the creative grid with Portland Architecture blogger Brian Libby for the Designs on Portland series.

Libby interviewed President Manley and engaged audience questions, comments and ideas on the creative grid between fine art, design and craft. Read Libby's blog, "Portland Architecture":, for a review of this engaging talk.

President Manley discussed PNCA's present and future ambitions such as the integration of the Museum of Contemporary Craft and PNCA's joint MFA in Applied Craft and Design with Oregon College of Art and Craft. Using a creative grid model, President Manley contextualized Portland as a global creative capital.

Libby is a Portland blogger and freelance writer focusing on many topics including visual arts, architecture and business. Libby's writing has appeared in _The New York Times_, _, _The Oregonian_, _Metropolitan Home_, _Salon_, _Metropolis_, _Dwell_, and _Portland Monthly_ among others.

Designs on Portland was hosted by the Portland location of "Design Within Reach":

Willamette University

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