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Podcast: Lijia Zhang

by Marketing & Communications,

International Writing Program (IWP) Visiting Writer Lijia Zhang gave a talk in Wei Hsueh's class on October 7, 2009. She discussed China's past and present, her work and Chinese society.

Lijia Zhang (writer, China) is a factory-worker-turned journalist, TV producer and lecturer. Her memoir about working at a missile factory, Socialism Is Great! (2008) was published in the US, Australia, and India, and is being translated into a number of languages. Other publications include China Remembers, an oral history of the PRC, and Western Images of Chairman Mao, presently banned in China. Her articles have appeared in prominent Asian, European and American magazines and newspapers, and she is a frequent commentator for the BBC, CNN and NPR. Zhang participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Exchange at the US Department of State.

Visiting Writer Talk: Lijia Zhang
October 7, 2009
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