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PNCA Faculty Shows Work at galleryHomeland

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA Faculty Gordon Barnes and Artist Mandee Schroer show new work at galleryHomeland, a Portland gallery that fosters cutting edge and challenging concepts in art.

The show, “Disaster Capitalist,” capitalizes on self-made disasters as a means of creating and examines the disasters in the process of making work.

“[The show] plays off the term Naomi Klein gives to companies that have learned to profit from disaster in her book, _The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism_ in which she argues that hardcore free marketers take advantage of (or possibly contribute to) economic shock following disaster or upheaval to advance free market policies around the world (to their benefit, of course),” according to Portland blog ULTRA.

The show runs now through March 1. Exhibition Hours: 12-6 pm, Friday-Monday. galleryHomeland is located at 2505 SE 11th Ave.

Willamette University

University Communications

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