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Oregonian Talks With New Joint MFA in Applied Craft and Design Chair

by Marketing & Communications,

_The Oregonian_ recently spoke with JP Reuer, the new Chair of the MFA in Applied Craft and Design program, offered jointly by Oregon College of Art and Craft (OCAC) and Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA).

""JP Reuer on design-build, the merger of craft and design"": highlights Reuer's work and the philosophy of this innovative program.

A former Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, Reuer brings a breadth of experience in design and arts education to the program. Reuer is also a LEED accredited architect and licensed general contractor, founder of JP Reuer, Architect, PA and Reuer Associates Inc., and a founding member of DesignBox, a collaborative group of creative talent from a variety of design disciplines. With a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Design and a Master's of Architecture in Affordable Housing, Reuer continues to explore socially purposed design.

"I view the act of making not simply as a means to an end, but as an integral part of designing," said Reuer. "Enhancing the relationship between design and making is something that in my experience is not only mutually beneficial to design and craft, but also supports and gives character to local community."

Portland's two oldest art colleges, OCAC and PNCA, have partnered on a joint MFA degree that fosters a new, forward-thinking model of art and design education. The creation of the joint MFA bolsters the cooperative efforts of these two growing institutions by creating a program that offers students opportunities for creative work that fuses craft, design and environmentalism within a rich academic and creative practice.

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