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MFA Central Gallery Features New Work by Ruth Lantz

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA's MFA Central Gallery features new work by MFA student Ruth Lantz through March 28.

Exhibition | "Infinite Spaces"
Opening | 6:30pm Thursday March 5 2009
MFA Gallery Central, Pacific Northwest College of Art 1241 NW Johnson St

Ruth Lantz uses paintings and drawings to address notions of infinity through the language of the sublime. She builds on prior perceptions of the infinite to challenge the viewer to question what is fact. Using images which reside in the realm of space photography, electromagnetic brain scans, and slide cultures, she creates an image full of phenomenal beauty and awe but with intellectual implications of vast emptiness and space. Exhibition runs through March 28.

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.