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Maybelle Clark Macdonald 1916-2009

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA is saddened to announce the passing of philanthropist and community supporter Maybelle C. Macdonald, 93, who passed away December 10th, 2009 at her home in Portland, Oregon.

Mrs. Macdonald created the Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund in 1970, and PNCA is honored to be among the organizations the fund supports. In April 2008, the Fund awarded a $1 million challenge grant to the College in support of the Centennial Campaign for PNCA+FIVE. This generous gift helped to make possible the purchase of the main campus building in October 2008. The grant has also been instrumental in enabling PNCA to attract additional support for its first comprehensive campaign.

Mrs. Macdonald was known throughout the community as a woman of great compassion and caring who created the fund "to relieve the misfortune and promote the well being of mankind". Now among Oregon's largest foundations, the fund will continue to support the good works of Oregonians in perpetuity in her honor.

"Learn more about Mrs. Macdonald":

Read the "Oregonian article":

Willamette University

University Communications

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