Pacific Northwest College of Art's Intermedia Department sponsors a free public screening of selected works on the big screen, hosted by the Bagdad Theater.
The 2009 Intermedia Video Fest includes work by: KT Allred, Shevawn Armstrong, Sarai Black Sarah Burke, Heather Chase, Brooke Eastburn, Jacob Fennell, Liz Harris, Chad Hinman Megan Holmes, Adrienne Huckabone, Ben Kellgren, Yiu-Hong Leung, Joey Lusterman Cheryl Norton, Julia Perry, April Robertson, Mathew Seeley, Kristin Smallwood, Alex Smith, Kevin Tinnell, Taryn Tomasello and Gabrielle Villasenor.
Intermedia Video Fest 09
March 18, 6-8pm
Bagdad Theater, 3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
_Free and open to the public_