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Graduate Visiting Artist Lecture Series Creates a Buzz

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA's public "Graduate Visiting Artist Lecture Series": hit Portland this academic year to the attention of the local art and design communities.

Click the links below to see what members of the Portland media are saying about this new program, part of both the MFA in Visual Studies and the MFA in Applied Craft and Design, jointly offered by PNCA and Oregon College of Art and Craft.

• " The Oregonian's": visual arts editor, DK Row, delivers an overview of the series by Webcast.

• Lisa Radon, cultural blogger for the " Portland Monthly": interviews visiting artist Ward Shelley, providing written and podcast content.

• Brian Libby of " Portland Architecture": previews Steve Badanes' lecture, which also inaugurated the MFA in Applied Craft and Design Studios at the Bison Building on the East side.

• Barry Johnson of " The Oregonian": talks with Steve Badanes and MFA in Applied Craft and Design chair JP Reuer.

• Megan Driscoll of " PORT": plugs two upcoming lectures with Zahid Sardar and Ellen Dissanayake.

Willamette University

University Communications

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