The Pacific Northwest College of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Craft, and invited members of Oregon's creative community engaged in a series of conversations in April about the anticipated integration of two of Portland's most venerable institutions that have, in recent years, reinvented themselves to respond to changing educational and cultural needs.
Through these conversations, the community explored the broader concepts relevant to creating a more vibrant and expanded educational and cultural institution that will strengthen its contribution to the cultural voice and economic vitality of the region.
Community Conversations
Towards a New Future: Embracing the Vision
Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 pm
Museum of Contemporary Craft, 724 NW Davis St.
The Changing Dynamics of Craft and Design
Thursday, April 9, 6:30 pm
Pacific Northwest College of Art, Swigert Commons
Featuring: Andrew Wagner, Editor in Chief, _American Craft_ magazine; Namita Gupta Wiggers, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Craft; JP Reuer, Chair of the MFA in Applied Craft and Design program, offered jointly by Oregon College of Art and Craft (OCAC) and Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA); and Karl Burkheimer, OCAC Wood Department Head.
Strengthening the Curriculum
Thursday, April 16, 6:30 pm
Pacific Northwest College of Art, Swigert Commons
Featuring: PNCA faculty members Rose Bond, Associate Professor, currently teaching in Time Arts and Moving Image Arts; Paul Missal, Professor, currently teaching in Observational Painting, Painting Techniques of the Old Masters; Victor Maldonado, Instructor, currently teaching in Theory & Practice: Art in Context, Professional Practices, Composition; and Bill Barrett, Executive Director of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD).
Redefining a Museum's Role: A Cultural and Educational Resource
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 pm
Museum of Contemporary Craft
Featuring: Nan Curtis, PNCA Faculty, Multidisciplinary Artist and Independent Curator; Christina Olsen, Director of Education and Public Programs, the Portland Art Museum; Stephanie Snyder, John and Anne Hauberg Curator and Director of the Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery at Reed College; Linda Tesner, Director, The Ronna and Eric Hoffman Gallery of Contemporary Art at Lewis & Clark College.; Namita Wiggers, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Craft.
Creative Grid: Building Community Through Collaboration
Thursday, April 30, 6:30 pm
Pacific Northwest College of Art, Swigert Commons
Featuring: Victoria Frey, Executive Director, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA); Linda K. Johnson, Artist, Educator & Founder of the South Waterfront Artist in Residence Program; Elizabeth Leach, Owner, Elizabeth Leach Gallery; Tom Manley, President, Pacific Northwest College of Art.
Conversations begin at 6:30pm, and are moderated by Tim DuRoche, Community Programs Manager, Portland Center Stage.
"Museum of Contemporary Craft":, 724 NW Davis St.
"Pacific Northwest College of Art":, Swigert Commons, 1241 NW Johnson St.