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Dr. Lois Hetland Speaks as Part of Children's Creativity: Why the Visual Arts Matter

by Marketing & Communications,

PNCA is pleased to present Dr. Lois Hetland as part of "Children's Creativity: Why the Visual Arts Matter":, a symposium that focuses on the relevance of artistic processes and an arts education on the cognitive, emotional and social development of children.

Hetland will deliver the lecture "Art for Our Sake," addressing why we teach art and why an arts education is crucial in children's education.

She is the co-author of Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education, a book that uncovers why an arts education is important and gives art teachers a research-based language they can use to describe what they teach.

Lecture | "Art for Our Sake," by Dr. Lois Hetland
6:30 p.m. Thursday, November 12
PNCA Main Campus Building, Swigert Commons, 1241 N.W. Johnson Street

"Read a review of _Studio Thinking…_":

Photo courtesy of Dr. Hetland

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