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BFA + MFA Thesis Exhibition 2009

by Marketing & Communications,

Building on a century of educating the next generation of artists, Pacific Northwest College of Art celebrates the culmination of work by PNCA's first graduating MFA class and the work of BFA students. Both thesis shows feature the work of Portland's newest emerging artists.

BFA + MFA Thesis Exhibition
now through June 28
First Thursday Opening
6 pm, June 4
PNCA Swigert Commons
1241 N.W. Johnson St.
Stevens Studios
1432 N.W. Johnson St.

Please note that exhibition hours coincide with PNCA's Summer Hours, now through the start of the Fall semester:

Main Campus Building, 1241 NW Johnson St.
8am-10pm, Monday-Thursday; 8am-7pm, Fridays; 9am-6pm, Saturdays; 1pm-6pm, Sundays

The Stevens Building, 1432 NW Johnson St.
Open according to the MFA and BFA Thesis Show hours, 10am-6pm, and Smart Works programs schedule. Call PNCA for more information, 503-226-4391.

Watch the BFA Focus Week Slideshow

Watch the MFA Focus Week Slideshow

Slideshow from Commencement and Thesis Exhibition opening

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.