An article in the January edition of _Art Ltd._ magazine focuses on Portland's New American Art Union endowed series, which includes work by PNCA Faculty Stephen Slappe and PNCA Feldman Gallery + Project Space Curator Mack McFarland.
""Aiding Culture Through Couture"": provides an overview of the Portland arts scene in 2008 and highlights NAAU's Couture series as "as an act of old-school arts patronage and defiant civic boosterism."
"The Couture series": awarded 10 Portland artists each a six-week show at in the inner Southeast gallery and an $8,000 stipend to create original artwork. The art is not for sale.
For his installment, video artist and PNCA Faculty Stephen Slappe created "Cul-de-sac," a striking multi-channel video installation.
As part of the Video Gentlemen, Mack McFarland created BYOTV, an exhibit of televisions broadcasting single channel works and special reports transmitted live within the NAAU. Over 20 artists' works - local, national and international - that critically and creatively engage televisual technoculture were included.
"Ruth Ann Brown's Couture series is one of the best things to occur for Portland's art scene in the years I've been here," said McFarland. "I'm sure I do not speak alone when I say, I am really grateful for being selected. The grant allowed us - The Video Gentlemen - to build upon our previous works and move forward."