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Seven to be honored at Willamette’s 2025 Alumni Awards

by Abby Kahl BA'05,

The Managing Partner of a world-renowned architecture firm, an international performer, and a decorated airline captain are among this year’s honorees at Willamette’s Alumni Awards on June 14, 2025.

Since 1958, the Alumni Board of Directors has celebrated members of our alumni community annually who exemplify our common calling — Non nobis solum nati sumus.

The 2025 Alumni Award Winners

Robert Packard

Robert “Bob” G. Packard BA’73

The Sparks Medallion: Recognizing lifetime loyalty and service to Willamette

Robert “Bob” Packard BA’73 has served as a leader and supporter for WU since his graduation. He has served as a trustee and is a national leader in urban planning and architecture, continuing to live the WU motto and contribute to a better community for all.

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Kelli CommackKelli J. Cammack BS’88

Distinguished Alumni Citation, Alum of the Year: honoring tremendous recent accomplishments

Kelli Cammack has spent 20+ years pursuing her dream career as a commercial airline captain for Frontier Airlines. In an industry where only 5% of pilots are women, she is a recognized leader and mentor dedicated to teaching and empowering the next generation of First Officers and Captains.

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David MoranDavid J. Moran BA’79

Distinguished Alumni Citation, Professional Achievement: for success in their career over a lifetime

Following graduation, David worked for the State of Oregon and obtained his International Relations MA from Sussex University. He spent 38 years in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, consistently rising in appointments, placing him on the world stage.

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John WestJohn A. West BM’73

Distinguished Alumni Citation, Professional Achievement: for success in their career over a lifetime

An international performer, John has toured throughout the world. Performance credits include solo appearances with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, and as a featured artist of American Guild of Organists as well as Canadian Royal College of Organists.

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Jeffrey CainJeffrey J. Cain BA’81

Distinguished Alumni Citation, Non Nobis Solum: significant contribution to society, the world or however one defines “community”

Dr. Jeffrey Cain is a family physician and clinical professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. After leading the effort to pass the nation’s first law requiring insurance coverage for prosthetic arms and legs in Colorado, he was the founding chair of the Amputee Coalition’s Advocacy Committee, whose efforts have resulted in the passage of prosthetic insurance laws in 22 states.

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Janna LopezJanna B. Lopez MFA’21

Recent Alumni Leadership, Innovative Achievement: significant contribution to society, the world or however one defines “community”

Janna Lopez is a trailblazing advocate for the power of writing and poetry. She was recently named Creighton University’s inaugural Poet-in-Residence for its globally renowned Medical Humanities program.

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Conner MertensConner J. Mertens BA’17

Recent Alumni Leadership, Non Nobis Solum: significant contribution to society, the world or however one defines “community”

Conner Mertens is known as the vocal activist who made history as the first openly LGBTQ+ NCAA football player (and helped secure a three-point upset win over #5 ranked Linfield in 2014). He earned Outsports’ 2014 “Hero of the Year” and Queerty’s 2018 “Up & Coming” award.

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Celebrate our exceptional alumni

Join us for the Alumni Awards Celebration at Alumni Reunion Weekend to honor these incredible alumni who truly live the Willamette motto.

Do you know an alum worthy of consideration for the 2026 Alumni Awards? You can nominate one for any of the awards listed above.

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