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Class of 2022 celebrates at in-person commencement

by Marketing and Communications,
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More than 500 students — representing the College of Arts and Sciences, Atkinson Graduate School of Management and the College of Law — graduated from Willamette University on Sunday at the first fully in-person commencement in two years.  

The College of Arts and Sciences honored about 339 students and featured Tjada D’Oyen McKenna, chief executive officer of Mercy Corps in Portland, as the commencement speaker. McKenna also received an honorary doctor of public service. Miles Disciullo was the senior class speaker and Roger Hull, an independent arts writer, curator and professor of art history emeritus at Willamette, received an honorary doctor of fine arts. 

Willamette also recognized two graduates who received their certificate in data science, 10 who received a B.S. in data science and computer science, and 12 who received a master's degree in data science. 

The College of Law graduated about 100 students on or before May 16 and featured Oregon Court of Appeals Judge Darleen Oretega at its ceremony. Graduates Megann Elizabeth Meier and Derek Olson were the Class of 2022 co-valedictorians. 

Atkinson Graduate School of Management recognized about 99 graduates and featured Monte Hong BA ’84, MBA ’86, the worldwide communications industry business strategy lead at Microsoft, as its commencement speaker. Stephanie Gates, president of the Atkinson Student Association, delivered the student address. 

Willamette Academy graduated 21 students, three of whom committed to attending Willamette University this fall. 


College of Law

  • Robin Morris Collin, Norma J. Paulus Professor of Law, 19 years of service

College of Arts and Sciences

  • Karen Arabas, Professor of Environmental Science, 26 years of service
  • Peter Harmer, Professor of Exercise and Health Science, 32 years of service
  • Christopher L. Harris, Professor of Theatre, 37 years of service (retired in 2021)
  • Kumiko Johnson, Instructor of Japanese, 18 years of service
  • Michael Marks, Professor of Politics and International Studies, 28 years of service
  • Frann Michel, Professor of English, 32 years of service
  • Gretchen Moon, Professor of English, 23 years of service
  • Mike Nord, Irene Gerlinger Swindells Professor of Music, Music Technology, Improvisation & Jazz Studies, 22 years of service
  • Fritz Ruehr, Associate Professor of Computer Science, 24 years of service (retired in 2021)

President Thorsett at commencementCarol talks to agsm Pipers pipinggrad and family agsm gradslaw grads walkingcas gradsgrads taking selfiesgrads taking photos with parentslaw grads under tentcas grads walkingagsm grads

Willamette University

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