Jack Garver’s plans to study abroad got canceled because of the pandemic, but now he’s been given a second chance — this fall he’ll be teaching in the Czech Republic on a Fulbright grant.

Garver ’22, a double major in physics and mathematics, will spend one year teaching at a high school through the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program. He’ll find out more details about his host school and location later this month.
Recognizing the importance of cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, Garver chose the Czech Republic because of his family history in the region and his desire to explore his heritage while doing meaningful work. And beyond the country’s unquestionable beauty and urban culture, it also offers a variety of opportunities for outdoor recreation, he said.
“I’ve worked as a trip leader for Willamette’s Outdoor Program and place incredible value in spending time outdoors with others,” he said. “A large part of my application actually emphasized my experience leading trips for students, proposing that I could do the same for my students in the Czech Republic.”
After Garver completes the program, he may pursue a PhD in physics or apply his Wilderness First Responder certification and experience to work as an outdoor guide.