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Celebrate Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month

by Dean of Students for Community Care and Inclusion Abbas Hill,

Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 marks the celebration of Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month. During this month, we honor the rich histories and contributions of Hispanic, Latinx, and Chicano/Chicana cultures and all of the individuals who hold these identities.

“Started in 1968 by Congress as Hispanic Heritage Week, it was expanded to a month in 1988. The celebration begins in the middle rather than the start of September because it coincides with national independence days in several Latin American countries: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica celebrate theirs on Sept. 15, followed by Mexico on Sept. 16, Chile on Sept. 18 and Belize on Sept. 21.” ("Key facts about U.S. Latinos for National Hispanic Heritage Month," Pew Research.)

The Division of Student Affairs has provided the educational, social and networking resources below to acknowledge and encourage members of our community to learn more about Hispanic, Latinx and Chicano/Chicana cultures. Although this is not an exhaustive list, it serves as an effective jumpstart to our learning.

Recommended Reading:

Local Organizations:

Natural Resources:

Please join us in celebrating Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month. 

Willamette University

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