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Business Programs

by Marketing Communications,
MBA faculty teaching students

Willamette offers five options for those seeking a degree in business. Each program is designed to meet the individual needs of our students.

18-028-079-sq.jpgBachelor’s Degree in Business

For students interested in a traditional 4-year undergraduate degree, Willamette's business degree can be taken either as a major course of study or a minor complementing any undergraduate major.

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Willamette business students sitting at a table in Cat Cavern3+2 BA/MBA

This accelerated dual degree program gives undergraduate students an opportunity to complete both a bachelor’s degree and an MBA in five years.

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Willamette MBA students at a conferenceMBA for Early Career Students

The Early Career & Career Change MBA program is for prospective students seeking an MBA who have recently graduated from college or are early in their career.

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Willamette MBA students in a classroomMBA for Professionals

This program is designed for working professionals who are seeking a transformational education experience while balancing a career and busy life. Classes are held twice a week in Salem or Portland.

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About Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Based in Salem, Oregon, we are the premier private university in the Pacific Northwest — the only university in the country that appears on both the US News Best National Liberal Arts Colleges list and the Forbes and Businessweek best business schools lists. With unique proximity to our state's capitol, we are a national leader in civic engagement, delivering an “Only at Willamette” education.

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.